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Column 1 - FOMO









I have chronic Fear Of Missing Out - how to spot the signs



Quench is a part of Cardiff Student Media. It is Cardiff University's award-winning, student-run lifestyle magazine. It focuses on lifestyle and culture, and in particular discusses topics relevant to Cardiff Students.

Columnist, Aug 2013 - Present

As this year's lifestyle columnist, I have contributed to every issue of the monthly magazine. I discuss my life, current "big topics", and things relevant to the average student/young adult, all the time maintaining my characteristic chirpy, informal tone. Running themes throughout my columns are my experiences within student media, and the trials and tribulations of being a third year student. Check out my columns by clicking on the links below!


Column 2 - Of Mice and Men









I discuss how new media and technologies have changed the world of dating

Column 4 - Balancing Act









Coursework, applications, friends, keeping fit, societies (or student media, in my case)... I try to figure out how we can balance all the demands on our time at university!

Column 3 - Hard Out Here










Lily Allen's video to her single "Hard Out Here" got everybody talking about the objectification of women - I throw my thoughts on modern day sexism into the mix.

Column 5 - Internet Defender









I, like, really like the internet. And social media. And I'll defend them to the ends of the Earth.

Column 6 - The Rest Is Still Unwritten









The end of uni is drawing nigh; I discuss the terrifying prospect of entering the dreaded "real world". I also talk about my experience of the student elections.

Music Contributor

Throughout my time at university, I also contributed a number of reviews to the music section of Quench. You can read by following the links below!

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